深圳中学 2012-07-27
请完成相关预习:《数学 必修一》江苏教育出版社 (更正)
《物理 必修一》广东教育出版社
《化学 必修一》山东科学技术出版社 (更正)
1.英语部分(共三部分:阅读选择, 写作, 口语面试):
The English section of the International Curriculum Entrance Exam is taken in two parts:
(1). The Critical Reading section covers the skills and ability of potential students in reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, and basic knowledge related to the reading and analysis of Western literature, poetry and speaking. There will be 40 questions, which are tested to the USA 9th grade level or the PSAT level, which all incoming Senior-1 students should have mastered.
阅读选择题40道题40分钟,难易程度与PSAT相当。相关练习题学生可在Collegeboard的官方主页上(www.collegeboard.com)找到。进入主页后找到下方左边‘PSAT/NMSQT’部分,进入后在左边找到 ‘Preparing’ 部分。网址为:http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/psat/prep.html
或者在:http://www.testpreppractice.net/PSAT/ 上也能找到相关练习。
(2). The second section of the English Exam will be graded by the English teachers of the International Curriculum and the other AP® teacher, and consists of a twenty-five (25) minute timed writing to a Free Response Question (FRQ) that will be graded along six (6) metrics:
Clarity of expression and ideas through the use of proper English grammar, sentence structure and composition.
A wide range of English vocabulary that is used properly in context of the essay
Well-thought ideas and arguments that follow the prompt and instructions – in this metric, you must follow the directions of the prompt and the essay should reflect an understanding of what is required.
Composition that makes sense and can be understood by the grader in light of the question.
An essay that is unified and represents logical and orderly flow of ideas.
Overall content and quality of writing
一道写作题25分钟。可在网上查阅SAT Essay Prompt 找到类似练习题目。在暑假可多阅读(非小说类,如essay, newspaper)例如http://www.usatoday.com/ 是很好的资源。
Oral Interview to determine how fluent the potential student is with English.