
深圳中学 2016-01-31





该锦标赛研究的课题都已超出高中范畴达到大学水平,而且全部属于开放性问题,没有确定的答案。本次比赛吸引了包括获得三年冠军队的Harker School,常春藤大学录取率超过三成的美国排名第一的私立高中phillips Exeter academy 中学,中国人大附中和南京外国语中学等11所国内外顶尖学校近百名学生的参与。深圳中学代表队对研究了一年的4个物理问题进行了为期两天的用英文进行的激烈学术辩论,最终力克其它10支强队,又夺冠军。在与他们的交流中,深中学生在物理研究上有了更深刻更全面的理解。感谢深中USIYPT团队,他们为深中的发展做出了贡献。









1.     Domino Toppling: On 6 August 2014, in Charlotte, North Carolina, a team from Prudential Financial broke the Guinness World Record for toppling the largest domino stone, measuring roughly 30 ft x 15 ft  x 3 ft.  Each domino in the chain had the same aspect ratio of 10:5:1.  Study this phenomenon, then design and construct a domino chain whose overall lateral length before toppling is 3 meters, that starts with a domino stone that you can hold in your hand, and will topple the tallest possible stone. You may change the aspect ratio of your domino stone chain, however all stones must have the same aspect ratio, and all stones must be constructed of the same materials and in the same manner. You must launch the initial, smallest stone with a gentle finger push that topples that stone


2.     Blender Lift: If you hold an immersion hand blender's blades under water in a beaker or pot or pail, under certain circumstances you can lift the beaker and the water by lifting only the hand blender as shown in the picture. Study this phenomenon for a wide range of releveant parameters comparing your theory that explains the effect to the experimental results. Predict the maximum weight of water and container your blender can lift and verify this prediction by experiment.



3.     Transformer Impedance Reflection: The recently posted YouTube video titled "Transformer - Experiments and Demos" shows a demo at the 4 minute mark. The demo purports to show that removing a light bulb in the secondary circuit of a transformer will cause the light bulb in series with the primary to turn off, i.e. "an impedance reflection." Analyze this demo and the published explanation of this effect (W. Layton, Transformer Impedance Reflection, The Physics Teacher 52 (7) Oct 2014, pp. 426-7). Provide theoretical and experimental evidence to explain or refute this effect.


4.     Bouncing Laser Beam: A laser will curve and even bounce in a medium whose index of refraction decreases with height. Although there are several ways to produce this medium, the photo was created by pouring thick, transparent Karosyrup into a tank and then pouring water on top of the syrup. Approximately 12 hours later, the bouncing laser beam can be observed. Create this apparatus or a similar one, study the thoery of the effect, and use your results to measure the index of refraction of the medium as a function of height from the bottom of the tank.














